PCI Biotech® (*exited) has developed a unique and patented
photochemical drug delivery technology for use in cancer therapy and
other diseases.
PCI (PhotoChemical Internalisation) is a technology for light-directed
drug delivery by triggered endosomal release and was developed to
introduce therapeutic molecules in a biologically active form
specifically into diseased cells. The company’s lead candidate drug is
the proprietary photosensitiser Amphinex®.
PCI Biotech® has an ongoing clinical phase I/II study at University
College Hospital in London. In this study Amphinex® is combined with
the cytotoxic agent bleomycin. The study is primarily enrolling
patients with Head & Neck cancer, a disease with local control issues
that the PCI technology could potentially contribute to solve.
The company has initiated pre-clinical trials for the use of PCI in the
treatment of bladder cancer. Bladder cancer has the highest average
per-patient life-time cost of all cancers, mainly due to a high
recurrence rate. The currently used chemotherapeutic drugs have
limited effect on recurrence and progression, and there is a large
unmet therapeutic need. Screening studies indicate that the effect of
several of these chemotherapeutic drugs may be significantly
enhanced by PCI. The pre-clinical trials will be performed at Radboud
University Nijmegen, The Netherlands and at The Norwegian University
of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway.
PCI Biotech® collaborates closely with The Norwegian Radium Hospital
in Oslo, Norway and receives substantial funding on several projects
from both the Norwegian Research Council and the EU. The company
has an extensive international collaboration network with recognised
drug delivery expert groups.
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